Kevin was very professional and helpful. Stayed with us through the whole process.
Ryan Powers
Ryan Powers
I enjoyed working with Kevin. Very attentive, yet not overbearing. Thank you, Kevin for your hard work, and I look forward to working with you in the future. Ryan
Robert Randecker
Robert Randecker
Kevin was so polite and very professional. Answered all of our questions and the refinancing process was very smooth
Douglas Ford
Douglas Ford
Was very helpful and professional and very good at his job
Lynn Siniscalchi
Lynn Siniscalchi
Kevin did a great job, he was very helpful . I highly recombed him
Jean Mcentire
Jean Mcentire
Kevin was polit, professional and very helpful.
Marjay Contwor
Marjay Contwor
Kevin was a joy to work with. Very professional. He made starting the process very smooth.
Eric Shada
Eric Shada
Easy to work with and very helpful
Vicky Lopez
Vicky Lopez
Kevin has excellent service.
Blake Walker
Blake Walker
Kevin did an outstanding job throughout the process of our refinance! It was the least painful financial process that I've ever experienced and I really appreciate the expedience as well as the stellar communication along the way.
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