David was great to work with, a real professional. He provided excellent customer service, timely updates, and closed our loan in a very short period! We'll definitely be going back to Rocket Mortgage for our next loan too!
Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee
Good guy:)
Heidi Hanson Kluesner
Heidi Hanson Kluesner
I worked with Greg on 2 separate occasions. Both times he was ver helpful, professional and knowledgeable. I called him numerous times where I had to leave a message and always received a call back in a timely manner. He was good about answering all my questions. Both my experiences with Greg were positive and exceeded my expectations.
Lee Cook
Lee Cook
James Himes
James Himes
Troy was great to work with, he answered all my questions, and explained all the processes to me.
This was my first loan for a house, it was confusing, sometimes, but troy walked me through it.
Jaime Crosby
Jaime Crosby
Adam provided accurate and honest guidance over the loan process, thanks Adam for all your hard work on this one.
Deb Nassayan
Deb Nassayan
Adam was a great broker, he seamlessly walked me through all of the steps. My mortgage process was purely painless!
John West
John West
Mr. Rose was timely and accurate in all info provided to me during the transactional process thru the utilization of Rocket Mortgage!
Julie Warren
Julie Warren
We worked with Adam on our home relo loan last spring. He was referred by a business acquaintance. He was always professional and great at explaining the pros and cons of mortgage options. No matter how busy he was he made it a point to return calls and emails within the same business day.
Roberto Moreno
Roberto Moreno
GReat to work with Adam, knows details of the product and explain carefully all the aspects
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