Friendly, communication is excellent, feel at ease to talk to and explained and put an ease to this process.
John Hildreth
John Hildreth
Brian was excellent. Always very patient and explained things thoroughly
Patrick Macedo
Patrick Macedo
Brian has been a great steward of my loan and tries to find every dollar I can save, easy to contact, knowledgeable and friendly, a pleasure to work with!
Emily Bussey
Emily Bussey
Enjoyed our phone calls very professionall.
Courtney Miller
Courtney Miller
Brian is simply the best. Warm, kind, knowledgeable, customer service oriented, and sees the mortgage experience through from end to end. I’d recommend him to anyone and was blessed to have the opportunity to work with him.
Pat Ogilsbie
Pat Ogilsbie
Brian was very friendly and knowledgeable. He walked me through the process with no problems.
Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Super energetic and knowledgeable while taking you through the process. Always available throughout.
Cindy Kopf
Cindy Kopf
Brian was very helpful and caring and well educated from the moment we started our refinancing process. If you work with are truely in good hands.
Kathy Phillips
Kathy Phillips
If you're looking to refinance with someone who seems to go above and beyond to make it work for you, then Brian is your guy. Thorough, efficient and knowledgeable are only a few of the adjectives to describe him.
Karen Conrad
Karen Conrad
Very thorough and efficient. Answered all my questions and was readily accessible. Definitely made the whole refinancing process a breeze!
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