Kevin was quick to respond to all our inquiries along the journey to refinance our exiisting mortgage.
Bonnie Bahr
Bonnie Bahr
Kevin was easy to work with and was always available to answer my questions.
Mary Lynn Kisner
Mary Lynn Kisner
Kevin was convincing at a time I thought I had the best possible deal and I couldn't do any better. So I got off the phone and double checked everything he was telling me. He was right. I could do better. So I called Kevin back and I'm glad I did. Thank you, Kevin.
Larry Dixon
Larry Dixon
Kevin was outstanding, Kevin came across very friendly and very knowledgeable about the entire process Kevin made it easy for me to decide to refinance my home with Rocket Mogage.
Glenn Moldenhauer
Glenn Moldenhauer
He was great, very knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. Responded to any questions quickly.
Paige Hunt
Paige Hunt
Kevin was very friendly and personable, prompt, but not too pushy.
Mary Curtis
Mary Curtis
Kevin was professional, knowledgeable, friendly and efficient.
Mike Barr
Mike Barr
Very professional and easy to work with! I would highly recommend Kevin!
Tom Blair
Tom Blair
Kevin was very helpful to us. Talked us thru every step and answered all our questions. He was patient and well versed in the process.
Susie Schwartz
Susie Schwartz
Kevin was so helpful in getting my refinance- was able to reduce my interest rate and reduce my payment. It is a pleasure to speak with someone willing to go that extra mile. Friendly and caring.
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