Very pleasant to work with. Answered questions or checked into finding answers when necessary.
Julie Slayback
Julie Slayback
He was very professional and friendly
Jennifer Barr
Jennifer Barr
Process was very quick and efficient - even in the middle of a pandemic!
Ken Feickert
Ken Feickert
Kevin delivered exactly what was in need of.
Mary Ellen Baker
Mary Ellen Baker
Professional and problem solver.
Jim Davenport
Jim Davenport
Great follow through and response to questions.
Fran Raymond
Fran Raymond
Kevin answered all my questions, always returned my calls. He is knowledgeable and made the process of refinancing easy for me. Would recommend him to friends.
Katherine Lopata
Katherine Lopata
Professional, very helpful, answered all my questions. Two thumbs up !!
Bernard King
Bernard King
Professional, courteous and he was there for us all the way...
Nancy Desormier
Nancy Desormier
Kevin was very helpful when assisting us refinance our home. He answered all our questions and I felt very comfortable working with him. He is extremely knowledgeable with the process and made our refinance go smoothly. I would highly recommend Kevin to others.
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