Kevin is very helpful and friendly. He knows his business.
David Price
David Price
Kevin was extremely helpful throughout my loan process making the experience less confusing or stressful. He answered every question that I had throughout the process and would frequently contact me to see if I needed anything. Kevin is a very knowledgeable agent that was patient with my many questions. I was glad to have had Kevin to get me threw the process!
Jerita Simpson
Jerita Simpson
Kevin was friendly, knowledgeable and patient with all of my questions.
Natasha Willingham
Natasha Willingham
Kevin was patient and very helful throughout my loan process.
Sandy StClair
Sandy StClair
Everything was explained in good detail so that I understood what was happening and what was needed. Kevin was polite, friendly, and considerate with my questions. He returned calls quickly and helped resolve any issues I had.
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