Mason was excellent! I had no plans to refinance, but he, without being aggressive , explained the benefits of refinance at this particular time. It would definitely benefit me and fit into my plans easily, so I refinanced.
Maya Klibaner
Maya Klibaner
Mason was easy to talk to and he explained things very well. He went over the process of refinancing as well as the costs involved. I have use Rocket Mortgage as my mortgage provider for 7 years now. I have owned other homes in the past and this company has the best customer service that I have ever worked with with. I would highly recommend working with Mason as well as Rocket Mortgage.
Mike Flynn
Mike Flynn
Mason was easy to work with. He kept me up to date on the process, it said it would go smooth and it did. Appreciate the effort.
Paula Mitchell
Paula Mitchell
Our mortgage refinance experience with Mason Franklin was outstanding. He was so helpful and knowledgeable. I could not believe he got us closed in 10 days from start to finish. He definitely is a fantastic Rocket/Rocket Mortgage employee.
Becky Thrift
Becky Thrift
The experience of refinancing could not have been better he made it so easy and very comfortable to talk to he's an awesome person to deal with and I'd only want to deal with him if I ever did it again
N Ewing Hayes
N Ewing Hayes
Mason was very professional and explained everything I needed to know about my loan.
Miguel Lopez
Miguel Lopez
Mason was terrific, his communication was spot on and when the loan process was in danger of delay outside of his area, he took charge and ensured the resources were applied to get us across the finish line. I recommend working with Mason to anyone, my family already has!
Tiffany Dawson
Tiffany Dawson
Mason was great. Efficient and also took the time to explain everything to me.
Glen Hennen
Glen Hennen
He was really patient with me getting my paperwork together. I had surgery just as we started the process and it took me quite some time to get everything we needed for the refi. Thanks
Cindy Mullins
Cindy Mullins
Mason was personable, attentive and available!
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