Tiffany Hawkins

Detroit, MI

Senior Training Consultant

Tiffany's Reviews

Paul Rocha
Awesome trainer, very enthusiastic for the material and for teaching. Was a pleasure to learn from every class.
Allison Glasson
Tiffany was a great help, always made you think and worked us hard, Great Trainer
Aval Grewal
I have yet to ever meet a teach as amazing as Tiffany Hawking. From her uplifting stories to amazing teaching strategy's she is an amazing teacher. Very thankful for everything she was able to provide to not only me but my class. (sidenote: she was pregnant and still was able to teach amazingly!)
Austin Dupree
Tiffany is very fun and intelligent! Mama Hawkins test taking tips have changed my whole experience for my tests!
Jovan Granberry
Love her teaching style, amazing woman!! very helpful and committed to our success
Emmanuel Najor
Was a great resource for the whole class. Provided a great learning environment
Salem Rayis
Prepared not only me but the entire class very well. Provided a very fun and informational environment.
Lindsay Walker
Had her right before she had her baby. Very nice and open to helping everyone! Love her
Kassandra Grant
Tiffany was very helpful with helping me understand different material as well as providing test taking tips and answering any questions I have.
Adam Wilson
Tiffany has one of the strongest and open personalities I have ever seen. Anyone who is under her training, should feel honored on how lucky they are to have her. "My life is my truth"- Tiffany