Rocket Mortgage - Training Reviews

Rocket Mortgage - Training's Reviews

Michelle Norman
Julie should win an Oscar for "Lead Supporting Role." She did a great job supplementing the lessons with more information, due dates, extra support, and just being a delight. I found her USC Hot Seat office hours to be one of the most helpful office hours I attended.
Michelle Norman
I didn't get a lot of time with Megan but I found her office hours to be super helpful. She explains the material in a real life scenario instead of keeping it strictly to the SAFE manual, which helped me comprehend a lot more material. She was a lot of fun to work with!
Michelle Norman
I really appreciate the compassion I experienced from Ian/Dad during our training together. He is genuinely passionate about training and it's obvious that connecting with us is just as important to him. I felt fully supported through my entire training and know I could reach out to him for anything.
Michelle Norman
I worked a minimal amount with Chelsey during training but the times we did spend together, she was energetic and motivated, which made me feel the same. It's greatly appreciated, especially since we are all digital now and it's difficult to motivate through a computer screen.
Michelle Norman
Patrick was fun to work with. He is motivating, informative, and supportive. Plus, he has all of the jams. I need someone like Patrick to hold me accountable so I appreciate that he gives tough love from time to time. I also have to mention that I enjoyed his trivia and believe that his dad jokes will keep improving as he gains more experience as a dad. Thanks for everything, Patrick!
Iman Alsoraimi
Training with Mitch was an awesome experience! He always made sure to keep everybody motivated and was very helpful, and was great at making training enjoyable!
Iman Alsoraimi
Having Sarah as a trainer was a great experience! She was always providing better ways to memorize the material, and never ran out of effective study tips for us to try!
Iman Alsoraimi
Hass made the material really easy to understand and was very thorough when answering any questions. He definitely helped me improve during training and I'm glad that he was one of my leaders!
Nici Stucky
Ian is by far one of the best corporate trainers I have encountered. The way he teaches and goes through the material makes it so much easier to understand. He was always available when needed and answered any and every question I had. He's truly an SAFE Angel! lol
Calvin Bleick
Julie was one of the most helpful people to our whole training class because she would constantly be sending us reminders of when things needed to be done, putting our zoom sessions and anything else we needed to do in our calendars. On top of that she would answer any questions on SAFE exam material and give feedback on how we are preforing and what to improve on.