Rocket Mortgage - Training Reviews

Rocket Mortgage - Training's Reviews

Onya Sterling
Elliot was an amazing trainer not only because of his endless knowledge and enthusiasm. He was able to recognize when people did not understand or were struggling to remember a question and would do everything possible to hold them accountable and work with them until they came to the correct conclusion. I appreciate how much effort he puts into helping everyone comprehend the information provided...Elliot was an amazing trainer not only because of his endless knowledge and enthusiasm. He was able to recognize when people did not understand or were struggling to remember a question and would do everything possible to hold them accountable and work with them until they came to the correct conclusion. I appreciate how much effort he puts into helping everyone comprehend the information provided in the SAFE training course.Read MoreRead Less
Victoria Sophia
Jam is an awesome trainer! He is super helpful and he gives really good feedback.
Anthony Rasho
Jam has been a tremendous help in my time with SAFE. He doesn't just lecture but actually engages with everyone in class and answers all questions when needed. He's very down to earth and his enthusiasm when teaching greatly appreciated.
Mana Jones
This was not my personal trainer, but she interacted with the entire floor and she was extremely motivating. She grabbed the mic and left the whole class feeling like they could do anything.
Mike Elsamadouny
Elliot may or may not, be one of the best instructors I have ever had. Na, He is one of the best! He made me try and I am lucky to have worked for him. Thank You!
Lonnie Orr Jr.
Honestly, he was one of the main reasons I enjoyed training and he made being uncomfortable, comfortable. Tested your knowledge at all times and never let you get by.
Piera Jacqueline
Stephen was a spectacular instructor. No BS, to the point, fair, intelligent interspersed with humor. Stephen really drove SAFE home and made the material not only graspable but interesting!
Charlie Huston
Jamiil Gaston is undoubtedly one of the best teachers and mentors I have ever had the pleasure of working with. His ability to hold my interest, as well as the entire class as a whole, was essential to my success in his class. I am lucky to have been taught by Jam, and could not be more grateful for that opportunity. Train Don't Stop.
Alexis Martinez
Answered every single question I asked and made sure I understood the answered. High energy, made learning about SAFE fun. Happy to have him as my trainer.
Karen Norman
Stephen was probably the most intimidating but inspirational instructors and I'm so glad I had him!We owe our success to him and Hass!Thank you for being so awesome!!