Great trainer! Very good at using real examples to teach.
Baraket Hejaij
Baraket Hejaij
Out of all teachers that I ever had from high school to college Elliot and Tony were the best. They keep you focused and engaged while teaching all the information that you need.
Ray Hunger
Ray Hunger
Very high energy, no nonsense.
Brad Huebel
Brad Huebel
You were a great teacher and you did a fantastic job helping with the concepts. You really simplified it for me and helped us a lot. Thanks.
Vincent Kolis
Vincent Kolis
Great teacher, very thourough and informative.
Zach Schroering
Zach Schroering
This dude is an absolute beast. If you're luckily enough to get in his class you'll be set. If not, and you have the opportunity to bribe or extort your way into his class during SAFE training; I'm not urging you to do it but I'm more strongly urging you to not not do it. DONT CHANGE YOURE ANSWERS. KAKAAAAAWWWWWW!
Brighton Unaegbu
Brighton Unaegbu
Jam is a great trainer. He knows exactly how to relate to us and constantly references back to his time in our shoes. As a result, I always felt like passing SAFE was definitely obtainable. Jam does a great job of making sure we are all engaged and isn't shy to call someone out when they are not on task. His help was greatly appreciated all around.
Cayla Torres
Cayla Torres
Stephen is a great trainer. Gets to the point and is really good at drilling the information into your head. He kept things fun but never wasted anytime, I appreciate that. Thankful that I got to learn from someone like him.
Finis Adams
Finis Adams
What was most helpful about Tony was his logical approach to each situation, questions and life in general. For clarity purposes(nothing clarifies like clarity) Tony's your guy for clarity and logic approach.
Ali Hazimeh
Ali Hazimeh
Out of all of my years of college Elliot was by far the best instructor I've had a class with. Wanna hear a fun fact? Elliot MAKES SURE you know the subject before moving on. His teaching skills are A1! E-MONEYYYY
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