Just an all around great trainer. Open to questions and he always tested your knowledge
Marcus Nowacki
Marcus Nowacki
Stephen was great! he is always will to help you out in order for you to understand the material that he is teaching. If you end up in his room just know that you WILL PASS SAFE!
Baraket Hejaij
Baraket Hejaij
Out of all teachers that I ever had from high school to college Tony and Elliot were the best. They keep you focused and engaged while teaching all the information that you need. ALRIGHTTTTTT!
Cydney Rogers
Cydney Rogers
If you look up "motivation" in the dictionary, I am almost certain you will see Hass' name. He is an amazing and effective trainer. He makes it his personal mission to ensure the success of every Banker in his class. SAFE was much more tolerable because of his unique and memorable training techniques.
Brenton Hood
Brenton Hood
Stephen is firm but fair! Felt bad he wasn't feeling great for a whole week but he was showing up and doing his best! Thanks Stephen!
Brad Huebel
Brad Huebel
You were a great teacher, Thanks. You really helped us get down the concepts that we needed to know.
Eric Odom
Eric Odom
The TRUTH. His ethics and ability to find your inner beast and capabilities are amazing. Fun, Serious, Informative and treats everyone like a new born baby. Just wants to hold you for 4 weeks straight, teach you, improve your inner self and confident and then, like a baby bird release you into the wild.
Maha Zayouna
Maha Zayouna
You may or may not have Eliot as your trainer, but fun fact....fun fact....he's an awesome trainer
Christian Mageau
Christian Mageau
Absolutely stand out guy. Love his humor and intelligence. The only area he comes up short in is his height. Love him as an instructor and a person, and am sad to be leaving SAFE having had an instructor like him!
Wendy Sharp
Wendy Sharp
Very good teaching 20hour! he was at his best when we were reviewing test answers and he would explain answers. I really enjoyed his teaching method and he helped me improve exponentially.
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