Love how Stephen will not move on until you fully understand the topic. Great trainer!
Junior Bashi
Junior Bashi
Amazing teacher! Always helped me out whenever I needed it. I know with all the help he has given me i'm going to pass my Safe Test! Thank you!!
Bradley Grodi
Bradley Grodi
Hass is the greatest, most dedicated instructor I've ever had. He always has the answers, every question has examples or stories that make things easier to understand. He brings life and energy to the classroom, and gives his students his all. He is here for us, and it shows.
Ali Shahin
Ali Shahin
Stephen is an exceptional SAFE instructor. He brings his no-frills attitude from service and combines it with a terrific sense of humor to instill both knowledge and discipline in his bankers. Learners who are serious about passing SAFE will find themselves grateful for their time with Stephen.
Tony has went above and beyond for everyone. Give this man a raise
Hassan Bazzi
Hassan Bazzi
Hass is the man! He could turn such a complex concept into something so simple. By far the best teacher I've had, and is overall genuinely a great guy!
Krissy Bushong
Krissy Bushong
Great instructor! Made class fun and explained things in a way everyone could understand.
Victoria Sophia
Victoria Sophia
Great instructor. He holds everyone accountable and makes class super fun!
Moe Fakih
Moe Fakih
Hass was hands down the best of the best!! Great guy and amazing trainer much respect to this man.
Vincent Kolis
Vincent Kolis
Great guy and very informative instructor.
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