She is very rude to trainees. She wouldn't let my teammate use the bathroom during board work. Not allowing someone to use the restroom is illegal...
Cassie Solis
Cassie Solis
Stephen is a great trainer! He made sure we always understood what was being taught, and always made us laugh during training.
Charlie Bartlett
Charlie Bartlett
Haaaaaaassssssssss. This guy is the man. Really good at explaining concepts at all levels. He kept training really fun and engaging.
Ethan Stutzman
Ethan Stutzman
Stephen has done a great job over these last four weeks. He holds students accountable and pushes us to work hard every day.
Michael Starshot
Michael Starshot
Great trainer does a great job of keeping the class engaged.
Brittany Cole
Brittany Cole
Stephen did a great job at training us for SAFE! 10/10!
Steven Brown
Steven Brown
Stephen is a great trainer keeps you engaged and focused.
Nate Nelson
Nate Nelson
Stephen is hands down the best instructor around. He is always willing to answer any question you may have until you are clear on something even if you have to catch him on breaks/after his typical hours. I don't think there was a single question I had in the past month that I didn't have a complete better understanding after talking with him.
Aladia Fine
Aladia Fine
David Hasselhoff is one of the best ( if not the most hypest)) trainers! hes your own personal cheerleader though SAFE and looks out for the class!
Joseph Aro
Joseph Aro
Stephen is a very good trainer. He helps you prepare for a professional career and super knowledgeable in SAFE training.
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