Did a great job at breaking everything down for the class! Made training an great experience.
Cassie Solis
Cassie Solis
Hass is great trainer! Made us laugh throughout the day and always had a positive attitude. Thanks for pushing us to do better and to keep going!!
Brittany Cole
Brittany Cole
Hass is an awesome trainer that made the SAFE training experience great!
Spencer Knight
Spencer Knight
Keeps it simple and gets down to business
Ethan Stutzman
Ethan Stutzman
Hass has been a great teacher. He has a good sense of humor which makes class much more enjoyable. I feel prepared for the test thanks to Hassan.
Steven Brown
Steven Brown
The class changed my life. Best training I have received in a long time!
Michael Starshot
Michael Starshot
Hass did an great job making the material fun. Very helpful with questions and techniques that made material easy to remember. Keeps class engaged
Samantha Morley
Samantha Morley
Very helpful and always willing to answer any questions! Always kept the class super engaged with fun study activities.
Joseph Aro
Joseph Aro
Hass is a great trainer. He is very knowledgeable and makes the learning process engaging.
Ahmad-Leila Joseph
Ahmad-Leila Joseph
One of the best trainers in the Tri County Area. Training champ for sure!
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