Hass is the man for safe instruction. If you find yourself in his hands in week 1 you know you're in good hands. Hass definitely knows how to make learning fun.
Spencer Knight
Spencer Knight
Positive fella. Pop culture expert
Charlie Bartlett
Charlie Bartlett
Good trainer. I like his energy. Great analogies. Bring back the beard.
Maranda Gerstenschlager
Maranda Gerstenschlager
Having Matt as a trainer was nothing less than phenomenal. He is thorough not only in his explanations but also in making sure everyone in the room understood what he was explaining. It was an absolute pleasure being able to spend time in his class everyday and I feel very fortunate to have had him there to help me jumpstart my career!
Darian Allwardt
Darian Allwardt
I thoroughly enjoyed going to training every single day. Wink does his best to make every part of the training process enjoyable for everyone. He's always available to speak afterwards and give suggestions to help advance your career. Thanks Wink!
Dani Martinez
Dani Martinez
Matt was always kind and honest, it makes me feel very comfortable approaching him with any questions or concerns. His commitment and passion for sharing knowledge with us really shows through and makes our overall learning experience much more memorable and comprehensive.
Lindsey Roy
Lindsey Roy
Amazing trainer! Taught a room of 50+ people how to use some technology. It all went smoothly! This man deserves a raise!!!
Ayeh Klait
Ayeh Klait
Very knowledgable and patient instructor, always answered my questions thoroughly & made sure to help keep me on track with my banker training. THANK YOU WINK!! <3
Diego Bonilla
Diego Bonilla
WINK!!!! This guy is an unbelievable trainer. He has this knack for training and it really shows in the enthusiasm he brings to each and every class. When something is confusing he explains himself very well and is a great 1 on 1 instructor as well. The only thing to complain about is that there's only one of him!!
Randall Griebel II
Randall Griebel II
Awesome instructor. Straight to the point but a lot of fun. Knows how to maintain control of a room full of animals. Moves swiftly through materials but makes sure everything is well understood.
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