Matty was such a great trainer! His personality kept the class engaged at all times.
Michael Starshot
Michael Starshot
He did an excellent job always brought energy!
Nader Million
Nader Million
Stephen is truly one of a kind, Not only am I grateful for having him as one of my Trainers As well as Team Leaders, But I want to stop and thank him for his service he has served. Stephen & Hassan, Really have training figured out to make it the easiest and most fun possible. Walking in and feeling the energy they provide is truly a game changer. Forever grateful!
Michael Starshot
Michael Starshot
Great job with everything brought energy
Nader Million
Nader Million
Excellent Trainer, Truly an experience I will not forget throughout my whole mortgage career. I wanna stop and say, The way Stephen As well as Hassan Train/Teach the classroom is truly mesmerizing. I'm forever grateful I had such an Amazing Trainer & Mentor!
Nick Simington
Nick Simington
I found JP to be an outstanding trainer. She made the class fun while also making everything feel easy. After training has always been a great resource. She makes the initial excitement of joining Rocket Mortgage even more exciting!
Katie Atkins
Katie Atkins
Ian kept us entertained while still putting us on a path to success.
Katie Atkins
Katie Atkins
Chelsey was an excellent trainer. She challenged us (in a good way) and was always open to helping us with anything we did not understand.
Jake Reistroffer
Jake Reistroffer
Ian is one of the most knowledgeable people I know here at Rocket Mortgage. He was an excellent instructor and always kept the mood light and enjoyable.
Jake Reistroffer
Jake Reistroffer
Chelsey's training was imperative to my success. She was able to present all the material in such a manner that taught you the why behind the answer, not just the answer.
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