Chelsea does a great job of drilling info into your head!
Kawsar Aziz
Kawsar Aziz
Very helpful and makes sure you on are on track
Danny James
Danny James
Presentation of material was thorough. It seemed clear Chelsea's effort level was high and she wanted everyone to be engaged. Sometimes, however, that would miss a bit because she also appears to still be looking to hit her stride as a trainer (finding her way to let her personality shine while also pushing people to grasp concepts). She will get better and better.
Tyler Harrigan
Tyler Harrigan
Chelsea conveyed material in a way that was easily understandable. She was prompt to answer any question I had, and made sure I was on task.
Cody Rauh
Cody Rauh
keeps a good work flow in the classroom.
Michael Clish
Michael Clish
Matty provided a great experience in the SAFE training. He was able to turn extensive information into relatable content which helped with my success. I will always be thankful for the effort that Matty put into the training experience.
Travis Keen
Travis Keen
Great trainer, I am very appreciative of her taking the time to answer all my odd questions.
Joel Desselles
Joel Desselles
Chelsea teaching technique was different than Matty P. and it was good to have a different learning style. I had a very long conversation with her about my learning concerns as I have had since I was a kid. She remained very positive for me and gave me advice and I really appreciate her.
John Kerby
John Kerby
Matty is the best instructor I've ever had in my lifetime, including college. He makes the material so much easier to understand and absorb, and he truly cares about each and every one of his students.
Rel Woolridge
Rel Woolridge
Matty was a great instructor! He really made things easy for me to understand. I also liked the way he challenged me when I didn't know something. He never let me think that I didn't know anything. Great guy!
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