Wink was an awesome trainer. He kept us all engaged and answered any questions I had. I feel more confident and ready for the floor after his training classes.
Donny Kolley
Donny Kolley
One day I hope Ill be as good as of a salesman as Wink is, he truly does make us feel like we all have the ability to become great bankers.
Troy Ross
Troy Ross
Wink was an amazing instructor. Made trainings fun and interactive.
Annis Dabbas
Annis Dabbas
Hands down couldn't have asked for a better person to guide us as bankers. Incredibly knowledgeable and am grateful I was given the opportunity to learn from him. Amazing guy
Hadi Hamade
Hadi Hamade
Amazing instructor and was always able to assist me and answer my questions. Well spoken and very confident which has helped me in the first steps of being a new banker!
Mike Banerian
Mike Banerian
Wink is the best, simple as that.
David Young
David Young
Jill's class was my favorite part of the day. She gave great examples and made sure we understood the material. She kept a smile on her face, and that kept a smile on ours.
Aaron Michael
Aaron Michael
Learned a ton on how to efficiently use amp. Very helpful and knowledgeable. Always quick with a joke and kept the atmosphere entertaining.
Allison Pasque
Allison Pasque
Jill is an absolute delight! Great trainer. Extremely knowledgeable. Always keeps things light and fun. Anyone would be lucky to have her train them. Thanks for all of your help, Jill! You're the best!
Tahnin Chowdhury
Tahnin Chowdhury
Very helpful and knowledgeable. Always there to help if you have any questions
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