Josh is always available to help with clients listening to me running the play and offering solutions o help me improve
Kendra Karson
Kendra Karson
Super exciting, and his fun phrases made remembering everything even easier! It was a blast having him as a teacher!
Kendra Karson
Kendra Karson
Chelsea was super helpful and would break down information in a way that made sense. If I ever did not understand anything she would spend the time necessary to make sure I understood.
Kendra Karson
Kendra Karson
Super enjoyable to be around and super knowledgeable about what he was teaching us. The class was a blast!
Ernest Moore
Ernest Moore
Energetic teacher. Understands the material very well. Explains mortgages in a fun way that will keep you entertained, but most importantly you remember the lesson.
Ernest Moore
Ernest Moore
Provides interactive classroom atmosphere, which is very helpful to learning. Gave good instruction on math equations. Willing to help if you are struggling or need advice.
Ernest Moore
Ernest Moore
Commands attention. Teaches at a high level. Requires accountability. Gives quality instruction.
Moe Elfakir
Moe Elfakir
Tony is Awesome!!! Made class very fun and educational!! Best of the Trainers in the Industry!!!
Moe Elfakir
Moe Elfakir
Prudence is AWESOME! She made class so fun and educational. She was so patient and positive at all times! Best trainers in the Industry!!! Thank you so much for everything!!!!
Moe Elfakir
Moe Elfakir
Hailey is AWESOME! She made class so fun and educational. She was so patient and positive at all times! Best trainers in the Industry!!!
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