Matty is Awesome!!!! Made every sec. of training very educational and exciting! 20 hr. Rocks with MATTY!!!!
David Kukier
David Kukier
Simply put, thorough and the best. A pleasure to train with.
Moe Elfakir
Moe Elfakir
Great Job, always willing to go out of his way to help! Very polite and professional.
Deus Machina
Deus Machina
Jill said her shed was the best and turns out, she was RIGHT! Very thorough and left no question unanswered. I was very lucky to have her be the one to show us the ropes!
Paul Czartorski Jr.
Paul Czartorski Jr.
Jill is an awesome trainer! She is very passionate about what she does and she knows her stuff inside and out.
Nikki Dorris
Nikki Dorris
Jill has a very genuine, energetic personality that made class fun and interesting!
Jeano Kashat
Jeano Kashat
Jill is incredible and I can honestly say I was blessed to have a trainer like her!
Trevor Peschke
Trevor Peschke
Valdet was fantastic! he had great energy that fueled the room. He was very funny, charismatic, and interacted well with his audience. He is very cool and made Jump Start and awesome experience.
Alyson Phan
Alyson Phan
HassPotato is an amazing trainer! He has a great way of helping you better understand and retain the materials. Most of all, he truly believes in everyone of us and always has a motivational lesson to bring us up. Thank you Has!
Belinda Sinishtaj
Belinda Sinishtaj
THE BEST TRAINER!!... The most knowledgeable when it comes to everything about SAFE and becoming a MLO. Because of him I loved coming into class and learning new things that I thought I would never understand! Thank you so much! because of you I wouldn't be here today.
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