Matty P! Thank you for the guidance! You're an amazing teacher/trainer.
Fay Ajami
Fay Ajami
All around awesome instructor. Very knowledgeable in what he teaches and full of energy- making the process of learning this material easier and less stressful.
Sejid Sokoli
Sejid Sokoli
Hass made SAFE very enjoyable. Great instructor
Calvin Moore
Calvin Moore
Matty is an absolutely fun and engaging instructor! Given the amount of information we had to take in, I always felt like his energy kept things moving along at a quick clip! So glad to have had him as our instructor!
Sejid Sokoli
Sejid Sokoli
Very good trainer. Made training very enjoyable. One of the most humble people I've ever met
Lindsey Roy
Lindsey Roy
Matty was great! He made the drag of 20 hour much more enjoyable.
Lindsey Roy
Lindsey Roy
Made training a lot of fun! Great teacher.
Mitch Degeeter
Mitch Degeeter
Super helpful, energetic, and fun. Always willing to go the extra mile to help you understand. Overall very patient, helpful, and finds a way to make the material fun.
Randall Griebel II
Randall Griebel II
Hass Potato is an awesome instructor!
Darian Allwardt
Darian Allwardt
Full of energy and loves what he does. Always having fun with training and is probably the humblest person I've had the pleasure of knowing. Thanks Matty P.
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