Very funny and knows how to keep people engaged. Great trainer feel lucky to have been placed in class.
Jon Leaf
Jon Leaf
Hassan's great attitude and commitment to making everyone get out of their comfort zone really helped me cope with so many changes I've been going through before and during training. I've referred to his inspirational messages and stories internally many times to keep myself moving forward. Thank you, Hassan.
Gabby Camaj
Gabby Camaj
Very caring person. Makes your problems his own & helps you solve them. Great person!
Deus Machina
Deus Machina
Hass has always brought positive energy to us each and ever single morning. The motivational anecdotal stories reminding us to stay positive stay and stay focused made coming to work everyday enjoyable and also extremely informative. Thanks Hass!
Jake Volway
Jake Volway
Hassan kept morale in the class very high with motivational stories and made sure we maintained a positive attitude throughout training. He gave great feedback regardless how we performed and kept us from staying down.
Sharmaine N.
Sharmaine N.
Mathew was great.. He was very engaging and great with teaching techniques for all different learning styles.
Derek Palm
Derek Palm
Great energy and very informative. This guy was born to be in front of people with a mic!
Christian Wright
Christian Wright
Natural teacher and performer, talented in reducing and delivering complex information into an easily understandable and entertaining learning experience. A+ 10/10
Gabby Camaj
Gabby Camaj
Most down to Earth guy, in the simplest way. Never too much, never too little, just the perfect amount.
James Cerini
James Cerini
Hass is an excellent trainer, motivator, and all around great guy. His motivational stories are ones I will pass on to my peers.
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