Hassan was a great trainer and a very good motivator, he would immediately pick someone up when they were struggling. Great trainer.
Joey Habbo
Joey Habbo
Matty P is a legend in the Safe Game. He knows the book in and out and went over and beyond to make sure everybody knew what he was talking about. Would recommend him to anybody!
Ross Mominee
Ross Mominee
Great Motivator always wiling to help
Ali Makki
Ali Makki
One of the most educational man I have ever met. Very wise and knows how to help you in any situation you have. Goes a little fast during 20 hour but that is fine. For people who have trouble learning in a fast past, I suggest asking Matt for additional advice. Lastly, mattie is very uplifting and always leaves a smile on your face at the end of the day.
Josh Flamme
Josh Flamme
Hass was a great motivator, always kept spirits high and pushed me very hard. Very happy to have had him as my trainer.
Madeline Romo
Madeline Romo
Hass was an amazing trainer who always kept us motivated. A great way to start off training in the first week, then as the training went on his motivational speeches really made a difference! Very friendly, welcoming, and extremely helpful!
Gina Simmons
Gina Simmons
Matty is really one of the best trainers I have ever had in my life. He is exciting, personable, knowledgeable and just amazing. Matty helped me pass through a rough patch of me doubting myself that I can Do it and I will do it.
Brandon DeView
Brandon DeView
Very supportive, and genuine. Towards the end, we would always ask him to tell his motivating stories!
Ross Mominee
Ross Mominee
Great Motivator and always willing to help
Logan Churchill
Logan Churchill
Hassan was the best! He definitely motivated me and pushed me through the struggles of training.
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