Stephen made the material easy to understand. He was fun and really helpful.
Donyelle Meek Meek
Donyelle Meek Meek
I am a visual learner. Elliot made "connecting the dots" a lot easier for me to understand. His animated character also helped me to remember things that I normally would have forgotten. The dance was my favorite!
Nicole Rankin
Nicole Rankin
Tony is great! He knows his stuff and he is a lot of fun to be around.
Suzan Abogoben
Suzan Abogoben
Haley is a knowledgeable and highly skilled trainer, she made learning the material so easy to understand through her creative and enthusiastic ways of teaching, she also had a genuine interest in our group. Loved being in her training class!!!
Rick Caruso
Rick Caruso
JAMMMMM!!! His positivity and energy is absolutely incredible. He's informative and very approachable. Definitely the guy to go to if you have any question regarding the information provided throughout training. Never makes you feel like you have a bad question.
Liz Wenson
Liz Wenson
Hass always knew how to get us motivated and keep us in the zone. Always available to answer questions. Such a great instructor!
Kira Hollis
Kira Hollis
To be cleyer, Elliot was an entertaining and engaging instructor who explained the content thoroughly.
Tristan Stoutes
Tristan Stoutes
I only was taught by Elliot for the 20 HR portion of the month long safe training. His teaching style and sense of humor while instructing us really allowed me to grasp the information and build a framework for mortgage knowledge. Also the SAFE POTATO kept us on our toes and made sure we were ready to answer questions from any point in the class!
Floyd Collins
Floyd Collins
To be Clear Elliot is Awesome! a little bit all over the place while teaching, but overall is very knowledgeable and does answer all question. one of my best weeks in training was 20 Hours. Elliot mad me look forward to Every day thank you Elliot.
Liz Wenson
Liz Wenson
Not only is Matty P engaging and entertaining, he went above and beyond to make sure we all had the knowledge we needed to pass SAFE. He made learning new, intimidating material fun!
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