Literally the best. So happy to have you as our team leader
Sunny Merneedi
Sunny Merneedi
Elliot is the best. So happy you were our team lead
Hawra Alajjam
Hawra Alajjam
Hassan was very helpful and simplified many things. Hassan and Matty P both went above and beyond to ensure that we all pass SAFE! I feel very grateful I was in their class. Thank you for everything you guys have done!
Richard Burch
Richard Burch
Emily was a pleasure to speak with; great personality, knowledgeable, smart, and down-to-earth. Although I did not decide to pursue a loan at this time, she was very understanding and maintained her seemingly natural positive attitude. I look forward to working with Emily in the future when I do decide to make a move.
Jason StJohn
Jason StJohn
An outstanding trainer and leader! Made things comprehensive and engaging!
Ron Bica
Ron Bica
Matt has walk the walk and talks the talk! He bring to the class a lot of examples of do's and don'ts from the banking floor. He is also entertaining which helps keeps focus after lunch! Thanks for everything!
Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Jill was an awesome trainer and coach to have throughout the foundation. She shared relevant stories that made it easy to understand concepts and best practices to use on the floor. She went above and beyond to make sure we were all ready when we hit the floor.
Andrew Skuzenski
Andrew Skuzenski
Jill is not only an expert on the content, she is able to weave real life scenarios into her training to keep you engaged in the learning. On top of that, her attention to the personalities of her students, and her ability to identify strengths and weaknesses across diverse groups is a skill that will create confident and knowledgeable bankers for years to come!
Derek Staples
Derek Staples
The knowledge needed to be an effective and SUPER POWERFUL mortgage banker can be dense and rigorous, Jillian does a phenomenal job at bringing real-world situations, clever analogies, and best practices to the table to assist learners via various means. Additionally, Jillian has continually made it clear that she'll continue to be a resource as our careers grow here at Rocket Mortgage.
Travis Casey
Travis Casey
Wink is the man! But seriously, Matt has been an absolute pleasure to have as a trainer. I don't think anybody else would be able to keep an entire classroom engaged the way he did. He makes it fun and exciting. I looked forward to going to training everyday because of Wink. One of the most knowledgeable, charismatic, and positive personalities in the building.
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