Jamiil is an excellent trainer. From day one he has always been positive and there to answer you questions. Thank you, Jamiil!
Spencer Staudacher
Spencer Staudacher
I had Jam week one of SAFE, he was awesome and knowledgeable. He had great enthusiasm and a prime example of a great teacher.
Andrea Marrogy
Andrea Marrogy
Great trainer, very engaged and knows his content very well. I'm happy I had the chance to be trained by him.
Bradley Govan
Bradley Govan
Elliot is a fantastic instructor that keeps the instruction light hearted and entertaining. Never once stumped him on a question. Very involved and knowledgeable
Chelsea Ravasani
Chelsea Ravasani
Matty did 20 hour for me and he was excellent. Such a great personality and had clever things to say about SAFE material. I wouldn't want any other 20 hour trainer. His jokes and energy was contagious. He was a great first trainer.
Jamaal Dalton
Jamaal Dalton
I loved Ayana because she reminded me of my sister so much. She strong, strict, helpful, and always keep it 100. She keeps everyone grounded, and doesn't have a problem with expressing your impending failure unless you get it together. I appreciate people like her a lot, if the world have more people like Ayana, we would be a well organized down to earth people. Keep up the good work !
Adam Girard
Adam Girard
Matty is an all-star. He was meant to do what he does, and I'm so grateful I was able to have had the opportunity to begin my career at Rocket Mortgage with him as an instructor. He was incredibly funny, knowledgeable, and encouraging. Thanks for everything Matty!
Tristan O'Neill
Tristan O'Neill
Jam Jam was great at introducing material and explaining it in a fashion that was easy to understand. Although we only had him for 1 week of the 4, the knowledge he passed on won't be forgotten.
Thanks Jam for being awesome.
Houssain Sareini
Houssain Sareini
MATTY P! I appreciate everything you did for us during 20 hour and beyond. Matty P goes above and beyond his job requirements by doing everything possible to ensure that we all pass SAFE! I loved coming in to Rocket Mortgage every day and did not view my time during training as a "job", THANK YOUU!
Wissam Almekhour
Wissam Almekhour
1003 Matty P! Did a significantly amazing job training our 20 Hour Approved NMLS Course by making it every aspect very clear to the bones. The fundamentals of his training techniques included mortgage humor, verses, and acronyms that are easily memorable. Thank you for everything. You were our core.
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