Elliot was super helpful - he used different learning techniques to help me learn and absorb the information.
Taylor Markham
Taylor Markham
THE best trainer anyone could ever ask for!
Deanna Paul
Deanna Paul
Best trainer ever! Elliot made Safe enjoyable and entertaining. I feel lucky to have been in his class.
Victor Korkis
Victor Korkis
Was able to answer any question I had, great at what he does and lucky to have him as a trainer.
Ryan Dawson
Ryan Dawson
Very calm and laid back. What a cool guy!
Amina Daher
Amina Daher
Songs were great, and catchy. Too catchy!
Brent Antosh
Brent Antosh
Stephen broke down the material into easy to understand examples and made difficult ideas much easier to understand.
Moe Serour
Moe Serour
very informative and patient made learning fun and easy!! Really made my experience here a positive and fun one.
Amina Daher
Amina Daher
Great trainer! Very knowledgeable.
Victor Korkis
Victor Korkis
Tony is cool cool cool. Great at what he does and thankful for having him as a trainer.
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