Stephen's teaching style is natural and actually brings a greater level of understanding.
Nawal Hatoum
Nawal Hatoum
Great trainer, very knowledgeable about the mortgage industry and kept the mood light, but at the same time, was always pushing all of us to do our absolute best!
Darius Saxton
Darius Saxton
Unapologetically Inconsiderate.
Molly Walker
Molly Walker
Stephen was a great 20-hour instructor. He used real-world examples and made new terms/concepts easily understandable.
Ryan Dawson
Ryan Dawson
It was a great course and he made it easy to digest a lot of information. He really scares the info right into ya!
Miguel Ahles
Miguel Ahles
Haley consistently created an ideal learning environment for the team with her passion and energy! She also did an exceptional job of gumping down complex ideas and making sure that the class not only learned but retained the material.
Jehad Sayed-Ahmad
Jehad Sayed-Ahmad
Haley has a great energy to her and always finds a way to teach her material in inspired and fun ways; beyond that she is extremely personable and is really easy to ask a question to.
Mortada Alsayad
Mortada Alsayad
She is high energy & really makes sure you understand the content if she senses you don't feel confident in a certain subject or section. she went out of her way to help made sure I was confident in myself.
Ricky Jezz
Ricky Jezz
I've enjoyed my time in this course, especially with Haley teaching it. I've learned a lot and Haley did a great job at teaching and simplifying everything. great and positive experience.
Moe Serour
Moe Serour
very informative and patient
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