Matt is an incredible instructor with passion for his career. Very knowledgeable and friendly guy!
John Bischoff
John Bischoff
Matt is a incredible person, uses lots of great examples to help people to become professional bankers. Always willing to help people out with any questions you asked. And he just holds a great conversation, honestly he is gonna make a large impact on the Rocket Mortgage takeover of the banking world through his teachers.
Mohamed Salamey
Mohamed Salamey
Jill is the best. She knows EVERYTHING there is to know about banking and is able to explain it in a way that you will remember for life. I asked her some questions outside of class and she took her time to explain things to me. Very grateful to have had her as my instructor.
Stephen Howard
Stephen Howard
Jillian did an incredible job preparing me to be a successful mortgage banker. Her commitment, her experience, the energy she brings and her overall knowledge of the mortgage process made the difference. She has even gone as far as coming out to the sales floor to ensure I am on the right track. Thank you Jillian!!!
Myles Suddeth
Myles Suddeth
Jill was always there to help us no matter what the case may have been! She stayed after class, came to our desk, and would stay past her time to go for the day if we had help. Especially if an aviator needed help with working through a loan; or even with a preso! Keep up the great work and being a go to resource!
Curtis Lubbers
Curtis Lubbers
Jill was absolutely amazing in preparing me to be successful. She was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. She not only related topics of conversations to the real world but she took time to work with me on a personal level. Numerous times she both challenged me and guided me to be the best I could possibly be. Jill, thank you SO much for everything you've done for me, I appreciate you!
John Bischoff
John Bischoff
Jill is the cats pajamas, the bees knees, the zebras stripes! She'll be known as the teacher of the come to be greatest generation of the Rocket Mortgage. She truly cares, is extruvient in her knowledge or products and being able to give accurate and informative information in a fun way to where people maintain what they learn through personal experiences and examples.
Alex Wagner
Alex Wagner
Matt was incredible. He knew everything inside and out and was quick to answer any questions. He will give you all the tools to be a successful banker.
Evan Hamp
Evan Hamp
Matt rocks. Energetic, great salesman, and knows what he's talking about when it comes to the loan process. This man will help you become an amazing MLO!
Lavonte Robinson
Lavonte Robinson
Where do I start!! One of the most amazing people I've ever met. Outside of being a rock star at training, she is an amazing person. I truly believe that's the reason why she is a great trainer. She truly cares about people and their growth as a person.
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