There is not enough time in a month for Chelsea to teach you everything she knows about SAFE. Incredible trainer and an awesome person.
Kyle Seitz
Kyle Seitz
Jamiil is such a magnificent human! Knowledgeable, kind, open and welcoming, and very informative. Jamiil's voice resonates through these Rocket Mortgage halls just like Albus Dumbledore as he preaches valuable wisdom. I will always give Jamiil my full attention whenever he speaks, within any medium. Jamiil should be our Rocket Mortgage spokesperson!
have I mentioned that I love the tone of his ...Jamiil is such a magnificent human! Knowledgeable, kind, open and welcoming, and very informative. Jamiil's voice resonates through these Rocket Mortgage halls just like Albus Dumbledore as he preaches valuable wisdom. I will always give Jamiil my full attention whenever he speaks, within any medium. Jamiil should be our Rocket Mortgage spokesperson!
have I mentioned that I love the tone of his voice? ^_^Read MoreRead Less
Travis Harper
Travis Harper
Our first trainer that broke the ice and great fashion!! I learned so much in my first week due to Jam being so informative....
Cale Scott
Cale Scott
Jamiil was a strong presence and was full of knowledge and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to kick off my first week of safe
Travis Harper
Travis Harper
The Man available with all the answers.. any question.. anywhere... any time! the support in our class was awesome. It was a great part provided by this guy.. Thanks for all the help!!
Chelsea Overton
Chelsea Overton
Jam is wonderful! He was such a great first impression of the training process. He is knowledgeable, approachable and fun. I would highly recommend him as a trainer.
Chelsea Overton
Chelsea Overton
Anson was extremely helpful along the SAFE training journey. He was always available to answer any questions and brought so much positive energy to the room. He was such a pleasure to be around.
Antonia Coffey
Antonia Coffey
Jam was the first trainer I had ever had. He is really kind, knowledgeable and welcoming -- making us all feel comfortable on our first day. He was supportive and understanding -- helping us grow and learn, and really get into the swing of what was expected of us. I am so thankful to Jam for his help!
Kyle Seitz
Kyle Seitz
I truly enjoy Anson's energy; his positivity, interests, talents, and knowledge are incredibly inspiring. I am so thrilled to have met, held meaningful conversations with, and continue to befriend, Anson. Anson is such a terrific human!!
Drew Pitzer
Drew Pitzer
A perfect yin, to Matty. Anson does a great job supplementing material with his own brand of training. He is a great asset to the training team due to his depth of knowledge and desire to see those around him to succeed.
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