Hilarious, Great at reinforcing and getting the info in our brains and answers questions
Aval Grewal
Aval Grewal
Very Helpful and Great Influence!!!
Kyle Acuna
Kyle Acuna
Tony was very knowledgeable about the mortgage industry and often used anecdotes from his time as a mortgage banker for reference. I thought he was hilarious and really appreciated his comfortable demeanor in front of students.
Salem Rayis
Salem Rayis
Prepared not only me but the entire class very well. Provided a very fun and informational environment.
Kyle Acuna
Kyle Acuna
Stephen always brought energy and expertise to each lesson that he was tasked with instructing. He was very knowledgeable about the mortgage industry which helped to clarify some uncertainties that classmates had.
Salem Rayis
Salem Rayis
Prepared not only me but the entire class very well. Provided a very fun and informational environment.
Salem Rayis
Salem Rayis
Prepared not only me but the entire class very well. Provided a very fun and informational environment.
Allie Hammoud
Allie Hammoud
Stephen was great during 20-Hour SAFE Training!
Lindsay Walker
Lindsay Walker
Had her right before she had her baby. Very nice and open to helping everyone! Love her
Joseph Evans
Joseph Evans
While my time with Jamiil was short, it was very sweet. Jam radiates positivity and it's hard not to have a smile anytime he's in the room. I am glad to have met and worked with him and thankfully I will never forget the 'Special Information Booklet' because of him.
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