Awesome trainer! Knows his stuff and is open to lots of questions
Joseph Evans
Joseph Evans
What a guy! I don't know what to say about Anson other than he is awesome! I couldn't imagine a better compliment to MattyP's teaching and his ninja like observations helped to push us all to do our best while having fun day in and day out. An amazing teacher and all around good person.
Joseph Evans
Joseph Evans
Knowledgeable, energetic, informative, amazing. There is no end to the adjectives that can positively describe MattyP. In my time at different companies going through their training process I have never had a trainer as good as Matthew Parry. He is an asset to this company, this program, and to each individual he works with. I am proud and honored to have worked with him.
Jeff Mullins
Jeff Mullins
Tony used his personal experiences within Rocket Mortgage to help teach the material to the class. Tony made it comfortable to ask for help and clarify any of my questions. Thank you for the help. Would recommend others to have you as their instructor. -
Tad Dipzinski
Tad Dipzinski
Matt is one of the best instructors I have ever had. His knowledge of the subject was over the top and he was able to make everyday fun and enjoyable. I Consider myself very grateful to have been lucky enough to have Matt as my instructor for this course. I will be successful because of him.
Jeff Mullins
Jeff Mullins
Stephen did a great job of relating the information to our class so we would understand it. Always took our questions, and if we need further help he would have a sidebar with us to help us get the information clear. Thank you for everything.
Mike Holtz
Mike Holtz
Anson did a great job of answering questions and helping out anytime I had questions during SAFE. He motivated us with his daily messages which was awesome!
Anjel Anastsia
Anjel Anastsia
Haley is AMAZING! She has a very enthusiastic approach to teaching the course with fun ways to remember what is needed to feel confident going into the SAFE exam. Haley is easy to approach with questions; she is patient and allows you to work through your question to find your solution.
Moe Fakih
Moe Fakih
Stephen was a great, he made sure I was on top of what I was having trouble with. Stephen took the time to pull me aside and come up with plans to better understand what I slacked in which helped me a lot. Thank you Stephen for all you've done!!
Mike Holtz
Mike Holtz
He brought the energy every day and helped me create a plan for studying. He was always supportive and helped me with any questions I had.
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