Tony is a very professional but very personable also. He was a great teacher and I recommend him to anyone coming through this.
Alex Papa
Alex Papa
Stephen moved quickly through the information, however, he did a good job of slowing down and explaining bits and pieces that were slightly complicated.
Josh Zbytowski
Josh Zbytowski
Stephen is an awesome person and teacher. He actually cares about you passing and doesn't just brush you off if you struggle. I would highly recommend him as a 20 hour teacher.
Chiya Haji
Chiya Haji
Great job, listens and responds and makes sure we understand the content
Tyrah Ingram
Tyrah Ingram
I have worked with Jon for about 3 years, and he has made a HUGE impact in my career. In those years, I have been promoted 2 twice all within a 1 year time span. Sales, life or just that extra motivation to push you though, he is the go to guy.
Zachary Zeidner
Zachary Zeidner
Mr. Rohring is a true asset to the company for newer bankers. His positive attitude and simplicity is genius approach to banking is one that should be worshipped, just like his execution skills. I would not be where I am today without his coaching in developmental. Way to go Jon!
Colleen McKinnie
Colleen McKinnie
Jonathan is great coach. Always willing to help in anyway possible.
Josh Howard
Josh Howard
JR is a coach that will get in the trenches with you. He is very experienced in sales and I learned so much from him!
Alex Puckett
Alex Puckett
Jon is an incredible coach that truly knows how to help you learn and improve on your skills to communicate effectively with clients. He is very adaptable in that people understand things differently which allows him to help anyone no matter what they are struggling with. He has always provided valuable information and feedback with his trainings that have been impactful to my success as a banker.
Brianne Pero
Brianne Pero
JR was there for me when I first started my career. He is great at what he does and has helped me grow into the banker I am today. His trainings truly helped me understand from a clients point of view and he made sure to give positive feedback with anything I did. He still follows up every now and then to make sure I'm still doing alright too which is nice :)
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