If you have Matty P for training, you have won the SAFE lottery. congratulations!
Tiffany Coleman
Tiffany Coleman
Matt was an awesome trainer. His passion for getting to know every client in order to put them in the very best spot possible was contagious.
Tiffany Coleman
Tiffany Coleman
Jill is an awesome trainer. She has an ability to break things down in the most simplistic manor. Her emphasis on digging deep and really caring for every client will take me far in my banking career. Thank you Jill!
Connor Mehl
Connor Mehl
Jill is meant to train! She is super sharp and knowledgeable. Always has a smile on her face and will give you the best answer to any question you ask! Jill is awesome.
Connor Mehl
Connor Mehl
Wink was amazing. Very easy going makes class fun with the jokes he tell. Wink was great at explaining things in many different ways if you were confused. Wink was also very accessible when it came to any form of questions.
Shadi Hammoud
Shadi Hammoud
Wink was my personal trainer and really coached me on how to hit the floor. Very passionate and truly an example of what energy and knowledge to bring to the table. Not only with knowledge but with the mindset to tackle any obstacle. Truly knowledgeable in his craft, could not have asked for a better trainer to prepare myself for my career.
Shadi Hammoud
Shadi Hammoud
Jill was truly an individual that cared for the craft and was extremely knowledgeable in the field, couldn’t have asked for a better trainer and really preps you for the industry.
Lacey Ankawi
Lacey Ankawi
Loved Matt's energy and how positive and helpful he was. Made class a blast each day, especially when walking into his room. Always had great music playing. I wanted to dance battle someone every time I walked in the door. Hahahaaa. Really, great training and not afraid to dig in deep with everyone. Really enjoyed this training.
Anthony Mansoor
Anthony Mansoor
Wink connects with everyone on a personal level which made this experience unforgettable. He prepared us for the banking floor in ways that a book simply cannot do. He really is fantastic at this role.
Brad Tabor
Brad Tabor
Jill was an amazing trainer because she was constantly looking for better ways to improve our experience in her trainings and is always available to answer my questions on array of subjects from technology to sales advice!
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