Awesome person! Very knowledgeable and patient! Thank you for all of your help!!!!
Evan Aronis
Evan Aronis
Gave good examples and explanations for any topics that were misunderstood during 20 hour. He was also very willing to answer any questions you had on the side which in turn was also very helpful! Thank-you for all the info!
Darrell Morris
Darrell Morris
Very passionate and engaging ..compelling delivery of message ..very clear about material covered
Connor Grant
Connor Grant
Hayley was very helpful in this class. Her teaching style was very helpful and kept everyone in the class attentive and energized. I know I learned a ton from her lectures and activities.
David Rambo
David Rambo
Ayana was very influential and a great instructor!
Lavonte Robinson
Lavonte Robinson
Literally don't know where to start!! This man has taught me so much in 4 weeks. When you add his positive vibe in the mix of anything the product turns out great. Matty P is a BEAST!! Also, Al said that he doesn't have a Facebook and really enjoyed how fun and educating class was. Al gave a rate of 5 Stars.
Matt Swift
Matt Swift
Fantastic instructor who put all of my university professors to shame. Matty could teach anything effectively and make in enjoyable.
Taylor Kok
Taylor Kok
If you want to become incredibly knowledgeable and have fun while doing it...Make sure you get Matty as your trainer. By far, the best Teacher/Trainer of all time. He is kind and understanding.
Joe Schlitt
Joe Schlitt
Ayana was the type of instructor I enjoy. She is well prepared and had a no nonsense approach to teaching, but kept it light hearted. It was entertaining and made the material that much more enjoyable to learn. Keep up the good work.
Kyle Link
Kyle Link
Jamill is an amazing trainer, willing to help at ALL costs no matter the circumstance. The clear information he has provided and his help has been absolutely amazing over the course of these four weeks. Couldn't have asked anymore of him.
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