Great Trainer! Did a good job presenting all the information that was given in SAFE training.
Luke Langenderfer
Luke Langenderfer
Excellent instructor. Cares about all of his trainees and wants everyone to pass SAFE. He is the best in the game.
Lavonte Robinson
Lavonte Robinson
Jam Jam was amazing. His energy in the first week grabbed my attention and encouraged me to embrace the process.
Myles Suddeth
Myles Suddeth
Matty was great with having us think hard to remember something if we did not know right away. He would use trigger terms that would help us remember what the correct answer was. Matty would take some extra time with us if we did not understand the topic 100% and would strive to make sure that we did! I really appreciate the time and effort Matty takes to make sure WE WILL PASS SAFE!!!
Daniel Gamalski
Daniel Gamalski
Jamiil was very helpful to everyone during training.
Alex McCarty
Alex McCarty
Matty was the perfect trainer for me. He made the content relevant and helped relate it to things I could understand better. He has many different techniques that he employs to teach the various types of learners.
Daniel Gamalski
Daniel Gamalski
Matty was great at making the material interesting and incorporating multiple learning styles into his teaching style.
Clara Bergsneider
Clara Bergsneider
Matt is an awesome trainer! He keeps the class entertained and uses his extensive experience as a banker to drive the information home. Great guy!
Clara Bergsneider
Clara Bergsneider
Jill is an excellent trainer because she not only knows what she's teaching inside and out but she keeps the listener engaged and curious.
Trent Knight
Trent Knight
Wink is a fantastic trainer! You can really tell that he enjoys what he does! He knows how to make Banker Training fun and will do whatever he can to help you better understand the content. When he says “grab a pen or pencil”, get ready for some solid gold!
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