Great at explaining intricate details in a clear and simple fashion
Erica Johnson
Erica Johnson
Haley was awesome, I have learned so much
Jessie Parvana
Jessie Parvana
Kept things on topic and didn't over complicate anything! Very clear with everything he taught.
Steve Hanna
Steve Hanna
Steven Was respectful to everyone in the 20 hour training class. He always gave clear Information and answered every question asked to him.
Jessie Parvana
Jessie Parvana
Very knowledgeable about what she was teaching us and kept things interesting!
Nick Borden-Sanford
Nick Borden-Sanford
Super nice and informative. Enjoyed her teaching style!
Colleen O'Connor
Colleen O'Connor
Haley was an awesome person to have as a trainer because she was very easy to learn from, she kept things interesting, and she was invested in our learning.
Bryttany Spears
Bryttany Spears
Haley is truly one of a kind, she truly lives and breathes what she believes in, she was nothing short of helpful , energetic funny and smart! I truly appreciate everything she has done for for our team.
Aaron Stodolak
Aaron Stodolak
Haley was very energetic and was always determined to help everyone in the class learn the material. She is a dedicated trainer and always wanted everyone to feel welcomed and respected.
Nick Borden-Sanford
Nick Borden-Sanford
Extremely helpful and informative. Always had an answer to my question!
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