Great teacher. She taught really well and handled questions well.
Jeremy Schram
Jeremy Schram
Elliot was very engaging. He definitely helped me grow and put me in a good position to pass SAFE!
Nicole Taggart
Nicole Taggart
Great teacher. Very clear with the material and is great with handling questions.
Andrew Kamin
Andrew Kamin
E Money is probably the best in the game. He is engaging and high energy. the information and real life scenarios he gave in close were a huge help.
Matthew Neuvirth
Matthew Neuvirth
Brings and lot of knowledge to the table and a very present style of teaching.
David Danforth
David Danforth
Great trainer! Awesome way of presenting information and breaking it down so we can understand
Brian Arnoldy
Brian Arnoldy
Tiffany is awesome and know how to connect with her students and make things fun.
GoodGuy BlueJay
GoodGuy BlueJay
Tiffany was a great trainer. She was very engaged with the class & shows her passion for the success of her classes.
Jeremy Schram
Jeremy Schram
Tiffany was the best teacher I've ever had!
Brian Arnoldy
Brian Arnoldy
Awesome Teacher! Makes class fun and engaging
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