Prudence was very knowledgeable and informative. Everything was very straight forward and clear.
Mark McLain
Mark McLain
Matty P was hands down the best trainer I got to work with during SAFE. He cared about everyone and wanted to see everyone succeed. He would push you and encourage you to be the best version of yourself.
Evan Hamp
Evan Hamp
Very knowledgeable and a great person to start your first week off with!
Kamille Ferro
Kamille Ferro
Matty P was the most amazing trainer! He was always on time with all the courses and breaks. I have zero things that I would like him to change!
Connor Mehl
Connor Mehl
Amazing, was always very high energy and fun. Made a topic that could be deemed boring very exciting. Would recommend to anyone.
Kyle Nedbal
Kyle Nedbal
Matty was very energetic and knew the material very well. I would recommend him to anyone!
Evan Hamp
Evan Hamp
This guy is the best in the business. You WILL pass safe if he's your trainor
Jon Jones
Jon Jones
Stephen's delivery and concise method of teaching helped me retain information in a manner that was comfortable and assuring!
Justin Whitely
Justin Whitely
Chelsey came into work everyday with a lot of positivity and energy. She provided very good feedback and encouraged us to ask questions and give it our best. She did well whenever a concept was important by emphasizing and repeating it several times so that everyone would understand. I am confident I had the right teacher to assist me to take the next step in my career!
Danny Biron
Danny Biron
Chelsey came in everyday excited to teach and help grow her students. She knows the content very well and her ability to convey information is unparalleled!
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