Haley was super helpful and broke everything down in an easy and constructive way to learn! She was great!
Nate Maroun
Nate Maroun
Danielle was very knowledgeable and precise when delivering the information!
Ryan Lender
Ryan Lender
Fantastic overall experience working with Chelsey! Absolutely willing to take all the extra necessary steps to ensure the entire class was prepared. Very thankful for the training!
Jake Kelley
Jake Kelley
Chelsey was an incredible teacher!
Patrick Barnes
Patrick Barnes
Wendell was an absolute delight as a teacher. He got the class excited about the material and encouraged active participation. His teaching style was clear and concise while diverse enough to never lose the attention of the class. Wendell was there for any assistance we required.
Zachery Sand
Zachery Sand
Chelsey is an amazing instructor.
Patrick Barnes
Patrick Barnes
Chelsey was an excellent teacher. Topics were explained thoroughly with multiple examples. Classes were kept interesting and engaging. She was open for any assistance we needed.
Sam Breiter
Sam Breiter
Great trainer that is willing to spend all the time she needs so that the whole class succeeds. Very clear, well paced trainer, tremendous understanding of what it takes to pass the Safe Exam.
Lexi Vitale
Lexi Vitale
Wonderful trainer and very personable!
Lexi Vitale
Lexi Vitale
Best trainer and amazing person! Literally has changed my life!
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