Very approachable and always willing to talk and work through any questions you have.
Jason Kucans
Jason Kucans
Matthew Parry is very knowledgeable and an excellent presenter of information. He made the process absolutely painless and very entertaining. If you are lucky enough to have Matty as a trainer you will learn so much and have fun doing it.
Justice Graves
Justice Graves
Matty has been one of the most entertaining, and informing instructors I've had throughout all of my educational experiences, I'm thankful to have had him as my instructor.
Brandon Erickson
Brandon Erickson
Prudence was very willing to make sure that we had the correct answers for all of our questions, as well as communicate during intermission periods with our class.
Christopher Prescott
Christopher Prescott
Fantastic work with everything you helped me with. I'm very proud to have had you as a trainer. Anyone who works with you in the future I am sure will have the same feeling. Keep being Awesome!
Alex Parker
Alex Parker
Matty was a great teacher and I am very grateful for everything he did for me and the whole class we had. All questions answered with a fun environment.
Henry Kelsey
Henry Kelsey
Maddie has amazing techniques for getting the SAFE concept through your head and making a way for the entire course to relate and apply to everyone. He makes everyone feel included and like everyone can do the job.
Shawn Clarke
Shawn Clarke
My experience with Stephen has been extremely positive. I enjoyed learning from him and I preferred his style of structure more than most other instructors I have had at other classes. He was able to explain the content with clarity and relate it to real world situations with ease. He seemed very confident (not cocky) in front of the class which in turn made me confident I am getting the best ...My experience with Stephen has been extremely positive. I enjoyed learning from him and I preferred his style of structure more than most other instructors I have had at other classes. He was able to explain the content with clarity and relate it to real world situations with ease. He seemed very confident (not cocky) in front of the class which in turn made me confident I am getting the best instruction possible. Our one-on-ones were clear cut, to the point and actually very helpful and I am grateful. I would take him a bit more seriously if he had a trimmed beard and decent haircut! lolRead MoreRead Less
Hadi Fawaz
Hadi Fawaz
Great instructor, very knowledgeable and funny. Makes learning less boring
Matthew Roffey
Matthew Roffey
Tony is a great teacher of the material, and I feel more than prepared for SAFE thanks to his guidance!
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