She was awesome! She was very encouraging and had a way of making Federal Laws fun.
Arlene Jeter
Arlene Jeter
I would like to thank Ayana for her approach in training. She was able to break things down to a level of understanding that anyone can learn from!
Awesome job!
Jose Solis
Jose Solis
Great Instructor. I definitely learned a lot during the 20 Hour Training. Explained everything very well.
Kelly Rutledge
Kelly Rutledge
Ayana has a way of explaining concepts that make the light bulb go off above your head. It really helps to make all the information click.
Chris Cepeda
Chris Cepeda
Danielle was definitely incredible! She kept the information fresh and she was always available for questions. I really enjoyed my time in the SAFE training and the training team is definitely a big part of that.
Davon Henderson
Davon Henderson
Haley was super funny, energetic and very positive. Thank you Haley for all of the information you poured into us over the last 4 weeks! You're awesome!
Drew Graham
Drew Graham
The way she explained things made everything clear to me. She helped me so much she never gave up on me and was not afraid to get in my face and tell me whenever I was wrong! Cannot thank her enough for all she has done for me.
Kelly Rutledge
Kelly Rutledge
Danielle is very energetic and keeps the class moving to get the information that you need to know over to you.
Jeff Blalark
Jeff Blalark
Haley was great, I learned a tremendous amount from her. She truly embodies the isms and the culture here at Rocket Mortgage. She has a way of making dense material seem effortless and her sincerity shows each and everyday.
Arlene Jeter
Arlene Jeter
Great Training class. Haley did a awesome job!
Thank you!
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