We didn't have a lot of interaction but she was always willing to pause what she was doing to best answer any questions I had. I appreciated her help!
Nicola Matta
Nicola Matta
She is amazing, her style of teaching was the greatest
Kaitlyn Baxter
Kaitlyn Baxter
She was so sweet and seemed to have a real passion for teaching. My time with her was short but I enjoyed it! She will see me in passing and ask how things are going and that really makes me feel like she genuinely cares and I appreciate that.
Aaron Newman
Aaron Newman
The Man, The Myth, The Legend of S.A.F.E.!
Matty P. (aka. Dave Chappelle) is very personable, knowledgeable, and made class exciting/fun everday! He really cares about us as people and made this experience joyful for all of us! Can not thank him enough for all he has done for me and I know everyone else feels the same way!
Andrew Thurlow
Andrew Thurlow
Matty is an excellent teacher. On more than one occasion he was able to convey the content in a way that was fun and educational.
Jesse Osoria
Jesse Osoria
Corny jokes are awesome, and great at handling a classroom.
Chris DuFresne
Chris DuFresne
Strong leader that brings valuable experience and a caring personality.
Nicola Matta
Nicola Matta
She is full of knowledge, every time I asked a question she took her time to explain it and went above and beyond to make sure I understand it the correct way.
Sarah Warren
Sarah Warren
Full of energy, helpful, attentive to her students.
Spencer Steinwascher
Spencer Steinwascher
Very supportive of everyone in class and was always able to answer any questions. She was really kind and knowledgeable of the topic.
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