She really knows how to throw in corny puns/jokes.
Reid Heiser
Reid Heiser
Kelly did a great job handling our larger class size and was energetic and fun to work with.
Kaitlyn Baxter
Kaitlyn Baxter
It's been years since I've been in a classroom-type setting so I was very nervous I wouldn't do well. Matty made every day fun and exciting which kept me engaged and really helped me learn and retain the information. I loved his personality and positivity. I truly feel like I will be just that much more successful being taken under his wing for the period of time I was able. I am looking ...It's been years since I've been in a classroom-type setting so I was very nervous I wouldn't do well. Matty made every day fun and exciting which kept me engaged and really helped me learn and retain the information. I loved his personality and positivity. I truly feel like I will be just that much more successful being taken under his wing for the period of time I was able. I am looking forward to my new career!Read MoreRead Less
Zuri Elrington
Zuri Elrington
Kelly did a great job handling two classes and made sure information was clear and concise!
Jeremy Piatek
Jeremy Piatek
Couldn't be more blown away by how fun Matty was able to make our class. I feel like I was able to learn more in three weeks than I did in most full college courses. He's the definition positive energy! Thank you Matty for making this course so enjoyable and being there whenever we had questions or needed help!
Brandon Schlecht
Brandon Schlecht
The energy that this girl had was great.
Zuri Elrington
Zuri Elrington
Tiffany did a great job handling two classes and making SAFE information understandable.
Magen Grider
Magen Grider
Very enthusiastic! She was able to gump terms and concepts down and apply it to a scenario that helped me to understand it better.
Matthew Joseph
Matthew Joseph
Did an excellent job, enjoyed the first week of training.
Chris DuFresne
Chris DuFresne
His enthusiasm made training fun and helped me retain the information better. I don't think you can find a better trainer than him.
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