Incredible attitude, knows how to get a whole room excited and interested into learning about the mortgage process. TWO THUMBS UP!!!
Courtney Mesick
Courtney Mesick
Wendell is a great instructor! Always there to help anytime you need it even if it's on the weekend.
Justin Rodgers
Justin Rodgers
Absolutely incredible as a teacher. Willing to go the extra mile and sit down with someone and listen to them and help them with any struggles they might be faced it. Definitely made the whole learning process very enjoyable!
Courtney Mesick
Courtney Mesick
Chelsey is an amazing instructor! She made herself available at all times even over the weekends. The class is very interactive and not just heads down and reading the whole time. Made the experience worth it!
River Robertson
River Robertson
Kristen Heyes is a wonderful and understanding trainer. I really learned a lot from her training/teaching style. Honesty and Integrity is key in her personality. Thank you Kristen!
Dave Bennett
Dave Bennett
I am extremely fortunate to have Jill as our trainer! As someone who came from a training background, it's awesome to have someone who invests so much into those that she is teaching. Jill keeps everything relevant and professional and is able to keep our class engaged by remaining extremely personable through using personal examples that definitely make things relatable when they otherwise may ...I am extremely fortunate to have Jill as our trainer! As someone who came from a training background, it's awesome to have someone who invests so much into those that she is teaching. Jill keeps everything relevant and professional and is able to keep our class engaged by remaining extremely personable through using personal examples that definitely make things relatable when they otherwise may not make sense immediately. Her dedication shows by our team's success so far. Thanks Jill!!Read MoreRead Less
Micah Goss
Micah Goss
Jill consistently provides a training environment that's engaging, professional, and relevant. She's dedicated to her craft and genuinely cares about each of her students success. She's effective with her teachings by moving at a pace that's tailored to the entire class and provides real life examples making the material easy to understand. Jill's enthusiasm keeps the classroom exciting and ...Jill consistently provides a training environment that's engaging, professional, and relevant. She's dedicated to her craft and genuinely cares about each of her students success. She's effective with her teachings by moving at a pace that's tailored to the entire class and provides real life examples making the material easy to understand. Jill's enthusiasm keeps the classroom exciting and instills eagerness to come and learn every day. She's a an asset to this company and has played a vital role in our careers.Read MoreRead Less
Dave Bennett
Dave Bennett
Danielle was one of my trainers for SAFE training. She led 20 Hour and was able to break it down so that the training was not nearly as overwhelming as it sounded like it was going to be. She was available to help even when she wasn't instructing our class. I'm very appreciative of all of the time that she put into our class and the help she was able to provide in order for us to pass SAFE.
Marcus Wolverton
Marcus Wolverton
Jill is a solid instructor who knows her subject material very well. She also is more than willing to commit time out of her day to help guide and instruct outside of class hours. Jill is an all around expert of her craft and an absolute pleasure to work with!
Bri Marie Reid
Bri Marie Reid
Jill is an amazing teacher! extremely patient and goes out of her way to help everyone, even outside of banker training classes. She makes sure you are 100% comfortable with the information.
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