Steele was awesome really made training fun and useful he was amazing always helped when he could and gave us all so much confidence
Dave Facknitz
Dave Facknitz
Steele was an overall fantastic trainer. He thoroughly explained the material and was always there to help you if you had any questions.
Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis
What can I say, the most thorough training that I've ever received bar none in any job. Thank you for everything brotha!
Kristen Klein
Kristen Klein
Danielle was always very helpful and available for all of us!
Bryce Brock
Bryce Brock
Great trainer and a great guy. Anyone who has Steele should be ready to pass
Joyceson Malone
Joyceson Malone
Ahhhh Haley! What a joy to work with! Loved the way she went over things and the way she made sure you understood the content. She made learning fun and enjoyable. Loved the way she engaged and was always willing and available to answer questions and help. Glad I was in her training class!
Destiny Roberts
Destiny Roberts
Very intelligent and encouraging! I learned a lot from her as she is very informative. She is a really great trainer.
Jeremey Donohue
Jeremey Donohue
5 Stars wasn't enough for this guy. 10, 20, 100 stars.
Sam Charles
Sam Charles
He simplified things for me so well that it made it incredibly easy to understand.
Chandler Stoutenburg
Chandler Stoutenburg
Very nice person, and really knows what she's talking about.
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