She is very knowledgeable and competent. She uses her personal experience to enhance the learning experience
EM Marracco
EM Marracco
Thank you, Tiffany for making this very difficult subject easy and painless. Going through SAFE 20-hour training was super simple and it flew by! She's very knowledgeable and intelligent on anything SAFE related.
Demetrius Rodgers
Demetrius Rodgers
Kelly was the Sunshine of the class. Kelly reminds me of a true elementary teacher. She breaks things down enough for ANYONE to understand. Bravo Kelly
Jeff Jacobsen
Jeff Jacobsen
Tiffany was amazing! She knows the material so well and was able to "Gump" the information down in a way that made it very easy to understand. She was able to make the whole process comfortable and overall was awesome in class!
K-Deuce John
K-Deuce John
Tiffany is just amazing. She knows her stuff. One thing I appreciate about her in particular is her addiction to her future, and that alone inspires you to want to have the same drive. What I also appreciate about her, among other things, is how much she pushes you. You may not appreciate it initially, but that's exactly the kind of "tough love" that's need when striving towards success, and I can...Tiffany is just amazing. She knows her stuff. One thing I appreciate about her in particular is her addiction to her future, and that alone inspires you to want to have the same drive. What I also appreciate about her, among other things, is how much she pushes you. You may not appreciate it initially, but that's exactly the kind of "tough love" that's need when striving towards success, and I can definitely say it has helped me throughout this process. I'm thankful to have had her as an instructor, and I'm sure everyone else who has/will have her will say the same.Read MoreRead Less
Eric Mitchell
Eric Mitchell
She a great job, very imformative!
Cooper Leigh
Cooper Leigh
Absolutely in love with Kelly's personality and the happiness that comes from her core being. She is such a great person to talk to when it comes to lining your thoughts out for you to breath and get back to focusing and working harder!
Amy Wright
Amy Wright
Great energy! Fabulous knowledge of material! Great care and concern for those in her class.
Adam Parker
Adam Parker
Tiffany has been phenomenal!! The way she was able to help our winners circle grasp the information in such a fun and easy way was beyond appreciative. She helped us push through the 20 hour when we were all stressing and made us feel comfortable with all the laws. She is very intelligent and has made me feel that I am prepared to pass SAFE and to insure that I am set up for the greatest success ...Tiffany has been phenomenal!! The way she was able to help our winners circle grasp the information in such a fun and easy way was beyond appreciative. She helped us push through the 20 hour when we were all stressing and made us feel comfortable with all the laws. She is very intelligent and has made me feel that I am prepared to pass SAFE and to insure that I am set up for the greatest success with my career at Rocket Mortgage. Thank you Tiffany for the time and passion you put into your work to help us all better our lives, we'll miss you!!Read MoreRead Less
Will Black
Will Black
Since day one the class all came up with expectations that both the trainers and the class wanted to meet together. From the trainers aspect, Kelly had exceeded those expectations. Great personality, respectful, optimistic, understanding and patient are just some qualities that Kelly displayed throughout the SAFE course. I really couldn't ask for a better trainer!
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