Great energy! Amazing knowledge of material! Fabulous tips, tricks and explanations to remember/clarify information.
Shayla Storey
Shayla Storey
Kelly has been a great trainer and very friendly. She was very understanding of some personal problems I had during training and always has a positive demeanor. She is a great teacher and anyone who has her as a trainer is very lucky!
Kate Holtz
Kate Holtz
Tiffany starts and ends everyday with inspiration and passion. She is so knowledgeable with any question my class would throw at her. She will find a way to help you learn and grow. I felt so lucky to have her unwavering spirit encourage me during my SAFE journey.
Jeff Jacobsen
Jeff Jacobsen
Kelly was great and very approachable! She did a wonderful job engaging the class and made the material easier to understand.
K-Deuce John
K-Deuce John
Kelly is a great instructor. She uses great illustrations that ties well into the information that we need to obtain, which makes it easier to remember. She makes herself available and is easy to approach. She also has good energy and that contributes to the overall feel of the class. Overall great job on her part. Go Kelly!
Cooper Leigh
Cooper Leigh
Tiffany is a grinder. She grinds everyday and she always wants others to feel her passion when it comes to doing something she loves! She has helped me in so many ways, realizing my potential and way to test taking. Honestly, wouldn't know what I would do without her on the testing and reviewing items needed to know for the SAFE exam. Happy to have gotten to know the beautiful person that she is ...Tiffany is a grinder. She grinds everyday and she always wants others to feel her passion when it comes to doing something she loves! She has helped me in so many ways, realizing my potential and way to test taking. Honestly, wouldn't know what I would do without her on the testing and reviewing items needed to know for the SAFE exam. Happy to have gotten to know the beautiful person that she is and inspires others to be everyday!Read MoreRead Less
Johnathon Louis
Johnathon Louis
Very intelligent and most definitely understanding. Helped me get through many difficulties.
Cody DeSanta
Cody DeSanta
Extremely, extremely, extremely, knowledgeable and has incredible passion for helping the new Rocket Mortgage employees succeed. I understand now why people refer to Michelle as the #1 trainer in the entire company. A true savage in the training landscape!
Laura Rodriguez
Laura Rodriguez
Sam is an outstanding trainer! Every lecture was a performance more than anything. He was very engaging and witty. He made even the dullest material, lively and easy to learn!
Laura Rodriguez
Laura Rodriguez
Michelle was great to work with, but don't let her quietness fool you. She kept the class on her toes with her unique teaching method and silent sarcasm. Would highly recommend!!
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