Jill is extremely knowledgeable and available for questions and clarification. She was able to foreshadow a lot of our questions and kept the class moving!
Cole Elizabeth
Cole Elizabeth
The one thing I really loved about Jill as a trainer is that she always has the answers to everything. She is always prepared and gave very direct answers. She really streamlined training so that it was as easy and efficient as it could be. Thanks Jill!
Bradley Kress
Bradley Kress
Jill was an awesome trainer! She made things relevant, interesting and kept on point regardless of distractions. I hope I have the good fortune to work with her in the future.
Sarah Percival
Sarah Percival
Kristen was so helpful and great throughout all of training. She was always so understanding when it came to anything that we had trouble with. I loved how she took her experiences as a banker to translate in the class in order to help us learn the topics at hand. I also loved how she always had a smile on her face and brought good energy to the class!!
Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy
Always found a way to keep things on track regardless of the obstacles she faced.
Denis Lako
Denis Lako
Kristen is GREAT!!! She made sure we understood everything as best as possible. Thanks Kristen!
Freddie August
Freddie August
Jillian was absolutely awesome! Very thorough and helpful learning all of the material.
Ja'Lisa Mack
Ja'Lisa Mack
Jill was amazing! She was very knowledgeable and addressed questions with real banker responses. So happy I had the pleasure of her being my instructor. She made an huge impact on my new banking career.
Maxwell Lepora
Maxwell Lepora
Kristen provided great information for our banking class and was able to improve my understanding of the mortgage role I would play. Great instructor!
Maxwell Lepora
Maxwell Lepora
Jillian was very concise with her lessons and provided a lot of great information to help develop me as a banker.
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